Monday, February 16, 2009

It's 5 am and I'm too tired to pick a freaking title

So as you can tell by the title of this post... it's Five O'clock in the f---ing morning.  I'm not sure if I'm allowed to drop the F-bomb here but I want this podcast to succeed so I'm going to be classy and not resort to profanities. Rest assure loyal READER, if this does take off, I will most likely post a blog that is nothing but George Carlin's list of the 7.. wait no.. 13 oops, no.. 12,000,0000 things you can't say on television or radio. I know this blog is neither of those things but people tend to frown on them anyway.

This blog entry is sheer fluff (since apparently I am a self proclaimed, self fluffer. Darn you first episode!) But it's my hope to at least vent some of my anger or aggression. It's still five o'clock in the morning and I have a 13 hour day starting in just four hours. Why am I not sleeping? Well it's because real life crap is stepping all over me like that stupid Stomp The Yard flick. Does any one else think dance films in general need to just die off? I digress.

Jeremy will probably give me crap for this.. so to him, I make this one small concession and actually talk about something. I've been reading lately. A little book titled Angels and Demons. For those of you unfamiliar with this title.. It is the prequel (even though it was written before..) to the hit phenom, The Da Vinci Code. It deals with something cooler than The Knights Templar. Instead it deals with The Illuminati. The question is though, how are they going to work Mister Fantastic, Iron Man and Professor Xavier when three different companies own the film rights? (That was a little Marvel Comics humor. Ba-zing!) I'm only about halfway through the book but I'm mesmerized by it's twists and the historical fact he puts in his books. Hopefully they don't butcher the movie. Some thing tells me they will though.

Well, I'm going to try my hand at sleep again. Good night fair readers. Hopefully you all are better off than yours truly. Farewell.

- Nick

P.S.  To get the squeaky voiced teen off my back, I signed up for a twitter account. You can follow me on that here. Thanks for reading and listening everyone.

P.P.S. I apologize for the bad spelling and grammar. As I stated several times, it's five a.m.

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